🇮🇹 Può sembrare una banalità ma la canna dell’acqua che si usa per bagnare i campi in terra rossa non deve essere arrotolata su se stessa al termine di tale operazione, ma rimanere svolta senza che sia di disturbo per i giocatori. Morale: deve essere sempre pronta all’uso perchè alla fine dei conti noi manutentori siamo dei pompieri mancati. 🚒
🇬🇧 It may seem trivial but the water barrel that is used to sprinkle the clay courts must not be rolled up on itself at the end of this operation, but remain carried out without disturbing the players. Moral: it must always be ready for use because the maintainers are missing firefighters. 🚒 #waterpipe #cannadellacqua #pompiere #firefighters
🇬🇧 It may seem trivial but the water barrel that is used to sprinkle the clay courts must not be rolled up on itself at the end of this operation, but remain carried out without disturbing the players. Moral: it must always be ready for use because the maintainers are missing firefighters. 🚒 #waterpipe #cannadellacqua #pompiere #firefighters
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